Thickening of the Penis

Do you feel that you penis is too thin? Or was it told to you directly by your partner, who “complained” about not feeling it inside her too much? You don’t have to panic right away. The physiology of the sex organ is so different in every man that the matter of thickness, as with length, is very individual.

However, you must know all this and it is not enough to reassure you. The only solution that would really help is to increase the thickness of the penis. This can be achieved in a number of ways, depending on what result you are expecting.

TIP: if you are looking for a quick solution, I recommend the pills that work best for me personally: Sildenafil (Viagra) Long Tadalafil (Cialis) Extralong and Vimax

However, right at the beginning I would like to point out the same thing I said about penis extension: only surgery can guarantee a visible and fast result, but it has quite a few negatives. But of course, I will leave it to you to judge the most suitable option.

Penile Thickness: Definition, Meaning and Comparison

Penile thickness can be given either in diameter or in radius, and for practical measurement at home it is given in radius. The differences are quite large, for example with regard to men on different continents on the planet or between countries.

  • The average thickness of the penis around the circumference is about 12 centimeters
  • The average figure is lower for Asian men and slightly higher for European men, but there are differences between countries
  • The thickness of the penis is important mainly for the sexual satisfaction of the woman, not so much for the man

As far as numbers are concerned, measurement only makes sense if you know where and how to measure. The thickness should be measured around the middle part of the penis, that is, around the thickest part. This is the largest number, and it is ideal to use a tailor’s tape measure or a flexible cloth band to measure, making sure that the tape measure or band is stretched as tight as possible.

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  • Erection
  • Libido and appetite for sex
  • Length of sexual intercourse

However, the thickness of the penis is slightly less important than its length. Why? Here are three reasons:

  • If the penis is thicker, it may cause better stimulation of the vagina and its interior, but if it is too thick, it produces rather the opposite sensations
  • For potency and fertility itself, thickness is much less important, as it does not affect, for example, the ability to achieve an erection or to fertilize the egg
  • Several surveys among women have shown that the man’s technique during intercourse is much more important than the simple parameters of his sexual organ

But much more important than any number is the subjective feeling when making love. Here it is much more important that your erection is firm, as it probably has the biggest influence on the size of the penis when erect.

Nor should a man fall into a stereotype about, for example, the proportionality between his physique and the size of his nature. Of course, if you suffer from a so-called micro-penis, increasing both the thickness and length of the penis is in order, otherwise it is just a “cosmetic” change.

It Doesn’t Always Have to Be the Same

I would also like to bring to your attention the fact that the size of the penis does not automatically have to be the same with every erection. The current state of arousal, environmental conditions, but also such “banalities” as the angle of view, for example, have their influence.

What Problems Occur With the Thickness of the Penis and What Are Their Symptoms

Basically, there are only two situations that can arise on the topic of penis thickness that require a solution. The first is a penis that is too thick, the second is a penis that is too thin. Again, I remind you that under these terms it is not possible to imagine arbitrarily just some numbers, it always depends on the circumstances.

Let us now look at both cases in a little more detail:

Thick penis: A penis that is too thick should be one where the circumferential thickness is much greater than the stated diameter of 12 cm. With a thickness of, for example, 15 cm, we can already argue that the penis may feel thicker to some women, but it is still not a borderline value. This problem is most often caused by too much subcutaneous fat, rarely it may be swelling in response to some external factor. In that case, I would definitely recommend to see a doctor.

Thin penis: Too thin penis should logically be one where the circumference size is well below the 12 cm threshold. I would probably look for a problem here if it is a penis that is less than 8 or 9 cm thick at maximum erection. I stress, however, that this must be a state of 100% penetration, and that is where the problem may arise. It is not possible to achieve optimum conditions with a poor erection and therefore such a figure should be taken with a pinch of salt.

Causes of Penis Thickness Problems

If your penis is too thin, two types of factors or causes may be to blame. The first are congenital, so in this case you also have to count on a more difficult solution that will not bring results immediately the next day. The second are acquired during life, where the prognosis regarding visible improvement in a shorter time is already much better.

Let’s break down the causes and factors in a little more detail:

  • Problems in physiological development: If your penis is too short and too thin, there may be problems with the development of the muscles or ligaments. Most often, these are causes that start already in the period of fetal growth and can manifest themselves not only in the penis, but also in other parts of the body. In this case, a medical examination and diagnosis is definitely necessary.
  • Congenital problem with the hypothalamus: the second factor, which is present from birth, is a problem with insufficient brain activity, which is responsible for the growth and development of the reproductive system and its parts only. This is most often a factor arising from genetic disposition or heredity, and if the hypothalamus is not functioning properly, a male may develop a so-called micropenis up to 8 cm in length and only minimal thickness.

    TIP: if you are looking for a quick solution, I recommend the pills that work best for me personally: Sildenafil (Viagra) Long Tadalafil (Cialis) Extralong and Vimax
  • Insufficient erection: the problem of insufficient blood supply causes insufficient erection of the penis, resulting in a lack of optimal length and thickness. Insufficient erection is thus due to the non-functioning of the erectile bodies or a problem with their blood supply. The factors that influence this cause are mainly the condition of the blood vessels and some specific cardiovascular diseases.
  • Missing prostate: If you have had to have your prostate removed because of a tumour, you will most likely have to prepare yourself for problems with good quality stopping and, in the future, problems with erectile dysfunction.
  • Lack of subcutaneous fat: This cause is quite subjective and does not occur in every man who would have a problem with the thickness of his penis. At the same time, however, as with other parts of the body, the less subcutaneous fat there is in the penile area, the less thickness he can achieve, regardless of the quality of stopping and erection.

Permanent Vs. Temporary Causes

Some of the above causes are only temporary and can be treated without major intervention, such as erection problems. But other factors are permanent, such as developmental disorders or prostate removal, where the thickness of the penis needs to be approached more radically.

How to Thicken the Penis

The causes and factors affecting penile thickness described above also largely limit the options for addressing this problem. If possible, I recommend combining several solutions, but think in advance which are suitable for you and which are not. In particular, I pay attention to the criterion of sustainability of the solution in the long term, not just in the short term.

These are the options if you want to enlarge your penis and make it thicker:

  1. Exercise

    To improve erections, he can try several types of exercises, such as Kegel exercises. But much more interesting is a method called Jelqing, which resembles milking and is based on the gradual lengthening of the penis. The thickness of the penis can also be influenced, as the ligaments will not only stretch in length, but also expand in width as a result of the exercise.

  2. Vacuum pumps

    Vacuum pumps can also have a visible, but very short-term effect on increasing the thickness of the penis. Whether you try a water or a dry vacuum pump, the effect of the vacuum can lead to a really huge enlargement of the penis also thanks to a better and greater accumulation of blood. However, beware of the safety of such a solution.

  3. Stretching

    Stretching the penis using special extenders is a matter that I personally don't recommend too much, but it is one of the common techniques. The principle is that during stretching with a special device called an extender, cracks are created in the penis, which cause tissue to regenerate, thus gradually enlarging the penis. But long-term use is needed and the success rate is questionable.

  4. Lipofilling and hyaluronic acid

    We come to the two surgical procedures that many men promise themselves a result from. Yes, it does happen, but there are a few “buts”. In lipofilling, subcutaneous fat is suctioned from one part of the body and inserted into the penis, alternatively a substance called Crystal Body is used which contains hyaluronic acid. So what are the “buts”? Temporariness and the possibility of complications, which are quite unpleasant.

  5. Creams, gels and tablets

    Creams and gels that promise to enlarge the penis belong to the category of preparations that I do not trust much. So I tried pills instead, but not the ones that promised miracles, but the ones that promised real effects. Here I can say that yes, there was an effect, but it was not a gigantic increase. However, if you have realistic expectations, this may be the way to go.

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  • Prolonging sexual intercourse and delaying ejaculation
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Frequently Asked Questions About Penis Thickness Problems

Since I always try to exhaust a given topic to the maximum, I have also looked at several Internet forums and discussions in the case of penis thickness problems. I have thus gathered the most common questions about this topic and here I list them with my answers based on my own experience:

How Penis Thickening Pills Work and Why I Recommend Them

I myself was most satisfied in thickening the penis with pills. Why? Simply because it is the most natural and easiest way. These pills are based on improving the quality of the erection, which has the absolute most important and greatest effect on the thickness of the penis.

The tablets are also easy to take:

  • Usually before a meal, you take 1 or 2 capsules depending on the manufacturer’s recommendation and wash them down with water. I myself prefer regular and long-term use

The big advantage of these tablets is the rising quality and competition at the same time. This brings much better results than it did in the past. I’m not going to tell you that the pills will double the thickness of your penis, they certainly won’t. But the brands tested by me have borne fruit, and I myself have sometimes been really surprised at how positive the result is.

TIP: if you are looking for a quick solution, I recommend the pills that work best for me personally: Sildenafil (Viagra) Long Tadalafil (Cialis) Extralong and Vimax

These are the three most important benefits of the tablets:

  • the composition is purely natural, so you will not find any chemicals and artificially produced substances in the pills, but only extracts and extracts of natural aphrodisiacs and proven herbs
  • you don’t have to worry about any side effects, which is due to the aforementioned composition, so there are no headaches or side effects during erection
  • you don’t need a prescription, as these pills are non-prescription, both because of their composition and because they are registered as supplements only

Thickening of the penis due to better erection is not the only effect of the preparations. Here are others:

  • Improved erection quality, onset and duration: as these are also erection support pills, you can expect an improvement in both erection onset and duration with long-term use
  • Increased appetite for sex: The preparations have a beneficial effect on the stimulation of testosterone, which is the hormone also responsible for higher libido and therefore also for an increase in the appetite for sexual intercourse
  • Fertility support: a secondary effect of the tablets may be to support fertility, especially if you choose to take pills that support spermatogenesis

Only Verified Brands

Lest I forget one important caveat regarding the quality of the tablets. As you can guess, not all pills work the same way, but you should be most careful with those brands that are unknown and untested. Therefore, prefer only pills that have a certificate from the Office of Public Health of the Slovak Republic and always buy them from verified sources.

Pills I’ve Tried and My Experience With Them

As far as specific brands are concerned, there are currently dozens of preparations on the market that boast to help you improve erections and, therefore, improve penile thickening. I myself have been most satisfied with the brands Tadalafil (Cialis) , Sildenafil (Viagra) and Vimax, but the degree of effect can be individual for each man.

I have also tested the above mentioned pills and evaluated them in separate reviews. An overview of the best brands, including the possibility to read the review, can be found in the table below, which is based on my own experience:

Sildenafil (Viagra) Long

  • Prolonging sexual intercourse and delaying ejaculation
  • Prolonging erections and improving stopping
  • Action on libido and sexual vitality

I want to buy Reviews

Tadalafil (Cialis) Extralong

  • Prolonging sexual intercourse
  • Improvement of erection quality
  • Increase libido and appetite for sex

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  • Better erection
  • Harder penis
  • Longer sex and delay ejaculation

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